Photoshoot Autumn '22


I asked Becca Thompson of Ginger Collective to take photos of my new cushions and teatowels. She's a natural light photographer and we met on a beautiful crisp Austumn day. It was perfect. Soft sunlight and shadows.

I already had product shots for my shop but wanted to show them off with more interesting images than the usual ones you get on websites, which are often pretty boring. I was after something a bit more playful.
Becca was great and together we got some fun shots. Here are some of my favourites.

A Jungle Arcade cushion in a tree:

Tiny people among the flowers:

Sardines drinking cocktails:

These Pop! cushions having a bubble bath:

Birdplanes in the woods:

Loop the Loop planes flying in the sky:

Air Traffic birds in the tree:

Becca also featured me on her blog.

Thank you Becca!

OK David